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Undertale Enchanted (HD Remake)

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Your favorite adventure in the underground world has been fully remastered and is now available in a higher quality. It is Undertale, the story about a little kid who fell in the mysterious world. Now his only desire is to return home. But his way is going to be long and full of dangers!

Learn to deal with monsters!

This underground world turns out to be inhabited by strange monster-looking creatures. Your hero needs to interact with all of them. Of course, the first idea is to attack and defeat them all as most of them are really scary. But wait before you choose the path of violence. Maybe, your opponents are not so aggressive as they look like. Some of them just want to get acquainted with you and tell their stories. Will you be able to find common language with these beasts? It fully depends on your choices and actions how this adventure will end for you.

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