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Hungry Lamu

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3.5 (21 vote)


Can a cartoon-looking personage turn into a merciless killer? You can easily learn it in Hungry Lamu. Your character is a friendly lama that is very hungry. And all you need to do is to feed him. At first, everything looks very simple – you collect some cherries for your Lamu. But slowly, things start to change. And these changes will be shocking!

Who is the killer?

At first, you will see how your hero kills live fruit personages with no hesitation. But when it gets dark, Lamu transforms completely and now looks like a human. Furthermore, he finds several dead bodies in the part that vaguely reminds of fruits you killed earlier. Can it be the case that it was all your imagination tricks, and in reality, your character is a cruel murderer that dealt with his friends? Start playing this strange game to find out all details!

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