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Fear The Spotlight

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Welcome to a horror adventure that will raise your adrenaline level. All events unfold on a school premises. Your hero is a girl who is trying to find her friend. The other girl has gone missing here. And possibly she is somewhere in the abandoned part of the building that was ruined years ago. Are you brave enough to go there? Then let’s start right now!

Explore it all carefully!

You will have to follow your heroine to that old part of the school. There is so much junk there! It seems impossible to find some traces in this terrible disorder. Besides, you will have a feeling that something is lurking behind your back. But you need to keep going. Switch on your flashlight to make your way through the location. But be prepared to go through a lot of thrills here! You have to find the clue to the mysterious disappearance of your friend at any cost.

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