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This horror game comes with no monsters or jumpscares, but it can still make you terribly scared. You will just have one task here – to get out of the spooky labyrinth. It does not seem to be extremely frightening, does it? But wait before you are sure about it. The walkthrough is not so easy as it seems at first glance.

Do not get stuck here forever!

As you keep walking from one room to another, you will develop a strong feeling that there is no exit at all here. It is quite scary to realize that you may stay here forever if you do not find a door. You will even feel that you are not alone here, and some weird entity is following you. So try not to miss any object as you walk. These random things may contain a hint that will tell you how to proceed. You will also find some notes – collect all of them to read a message that could be written intentionally for you!

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