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Amanda The Adventurer Roblox

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4.5 (4 vote)


This game may completely confuse you in the beginning. It looks like a simple story for kids. But very soon you will change your mind as the events will start to develop in a way you expect the least. The hero of this game finds some old VHS tapes in his attic and cannot resist the temptation to watch the old TV show you vaguely remember from your childhood. It is going to be a thrilling adventure!

What is there in these tapes?

You will meet a lovely girl, Amanda, and her shy friend, Wooly. The heroine’s companion is a sheep that is scared of everything. But as it seems, they get along very well and have a lot of fun together. Amanda is quite adventurous and always looks for something cool to do. But even if the girl looks friendly and joyful, you will soon notice first alarming moments. Is Amanda really a good and kind friend as she tries to look like? If you love horror stories, you know well that even the most innocent characters can turn into cruel monsters in an instant. And if you are attentive, you will notice that sometimes the girl does not care much about her friend and his feelings.

Play all the tapes.

There are several episodes you will have to watch to learn the whole story. You will notice that sometimes Amanda will ask you a question. But she will force you to reply in the way she expects. If you fail to provide the response that pleases her, she immediately goes mad. You may have noticed that Wooly was trying to warn you of something in the second episode. What did he want to tell you? You will surely understand everything when it comes to the third tape. It will take you to a spooky and dark environment. And one of the houses here strangely remind you of something. Damn, it is your own house! You see Amanda on the porch trying to lure you in! Is that safe to trust this suspicious girl? Start playing now to find it out!

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