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Amanda The Adventurer All Endings

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2.4 (5 vote)


All attics keep a lot of secrets and weird things. You never know what you can discover there. And in this game, the hero was searching for something when he came across the old VHS tapes. These are the recordings of the popular TV show he used to watch in his childhood. However, he struggles to recollect what it was all about. So the decision is taken instantly – he needs to watch it again!

Meet Amanda and her friend!

There are three tapes in total. And they tell about the adventures of Amanda and Wooly, her companion. Amanda is extremely active and always looks for new activity. Her companion is just a sheep – he is more than shy. However, they both seem to be good friends. Or is it just an illusion? Sometimes, you will get a feeling that Amanda does not care much about Wooly and even tries to make evil jokes that make her friend feel really uncomfortable. In one of the episodes, the sheep will seem really frightened and try to warn you of something. Possibly, it is just your wrong impression. But one thing is alarming – Amanda will continuously ask you something. And she will get mad if you have a response she does not like.

Is the girl good or bad?

At first, it is difficult to understand whether the heroine is positive or negative. But you will realize it clearly when you come to the third episode. You will find yourself in a dark location. Wooly has gone missing after the last visit to the butcher. You can only guess what actually happened to the poor sheep. And Amanda has also changed. She stands on the porch of the house and insists on your coming in. But she looks very evil and even aggressive. The story can end up in different ways for you. Everything will depend on your answers!

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